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Computers and Electronics

Coronaproof communication with wireless headsets

Due to the hard lockdown, which will certainly last until 19 January, the RIVM measures have been further tightened. For the time being, the 1.5-metre society is therefore a keeper. Producing and logistics companies need to organize the work processes safely and hygienically for the personnel, in accordance with the 1.5 meter distance rule. This makes communicating and working together in these ‘noisy’ environments extra challenging. The use of wireless and ‘hands free’ duplex communication systems, such as AXIWI, offers a solution.

In March 2020, when the Coronavirus first resurfaced, the communication systems were mainly used by various manufacturing and logistics companies for communication between personnel. Meanwhile, the headsets are also used in training programs for staff and for corona theft communication with guests and visitors.

Efficient group communication in production environment
The wireless communication systems are used to communicate easily and quickly with each other. This can, for example, involve communication between different colleagues, with different tasks or disciplines, or between different departments. This makes it possible to work efficiently while guaranteeing the quality of the work processes.

Training and instructing personnel safely
In addition, the communication systems are used to train personnel in production environments. Before the corona crisis, a trainer and trainee were able to stand close to each other. By using the AXIWI communication system, the trainer can instruct the trainee hands-free via a headset, while respecting the distance measure of 1.5 meters. The colleagues can also work in different places after the given training and still regularly ‘check in’ with each other to hear if everything is going well.

Factory tour: Hospitable and safe visitors continue to be received
Production halls and factories also receive various guests in the Corona era, such as: business relations, suppliers, quality officials, mechanics and much more. Having a good and clear conversation with them, at least 1.5 meters away, remains a challenge in a noisy environment. More and more companies are using tour headsets for factories to receive visitors in a secure way.

Relaxed working even after Corona
Working with a wireless communication system ensures that colleagues can communicate relaxed and hands-free, remotely. The quality of the headsets and good hearing protection also ensure a safer workplace. The companies notice that working with duplex communication systems pleases on the work floor. Colleagues don’t have to raise their voices all the time. You can also remotely check how things are going, without leaving your workplace immediately.

The duplex communication system can be used for communication during guided tours, tours, conferences, meetings, sports, simultaneous translations, in production environments and calamities. In sports, the communication system is used by referees for mutual communication and for coaching referees and athletes.